Turn the Page

In less than two weeks, Riverside College will be hosting it's 15 graduation commencement ceremony. I have the distinct pleasure to congratulate each and every graduate on their individual accomplishments. Riverside College graduates are special, as some of our students are crossing the stage for multiple accomplishments. Some of our graduates have earned their regular 2004 diploma, some their adult diploma and most of the students have earned a certificate from Riverside College in a Career or a Trade.
The key word is earned. Riverside College and its instructors do not give the students anything. The students at our college need to earn what they receive. The Riverside College instructors are like coaches. They provide the basis of information, analyse what the student needs, provide feedback, assess, and provide more feedback so that the student is on the right track. The coach does not get on the field of play. It is the individual players that earn the win, based on the coach's feedback and assessment. The staff at Riverside College are proud of the students who have earned the right to cross the stage and attain their individual achievement(s).
Riverside College is also one of the only public high schools in British Columbia that will have students earn their Adult Graduation status as well as a certificate in a Trade or Career. There are a number of students who have come back to school, after leaving for a number of years (some over 30 years) who are accomplishing this feat. With cut-backs and changes to Adult Funding from the Ministry of Education, this accomplishment will soon disappear as most non-graduated adult students will attain their G.E.D. from post-secondary institutions. Riverside College is a unique school that allows students to "be remarkable."
As the staff congratulates our graduates on what they have accomplished with one hand, the other is outstretched to welcome the 2016-17 students to our school. Each year, Riverside College turns another page to create a new future for a new group of students looking to earn their way to a career or trade. While Riverside College cannot predict the future, it can always look back on the successes of its past, and know that its former students are thankful that they were given an opportunity to earn an education in Mission.
Best of luck Graduates and welcome to Riverside College 2016-17 students!