Quality versus SIZE
Riverside College has recently been questioned about the SIZE of it programs. When size is mentioned, it is not the size of the class or size of the curriculum or the length of time our students spend in our programs, but rather size of the space used to teach skills necessary to be successful in the workforce. Size is a quantifiable measure that you exceed, meet or don't meet. It is an easy way to set boundaries.
The question of the day is: when does size or quantity equate to quality?
Riverside College is the little school that could. We have smaller classes operating in smaller spaces, but we have quality instructors delivering an exceptional experience to our students. Unlike most public and private post-secondary schools, Riverside College affords the opportunity to its students to gain valuable work experience while in their program of study. These work experiences allow the students to get their "feet wet" in their chosen careers. At no point, does Riverside College deny a work experience based on square footage of the sponsor.
The quality of a program is based on the quality of the instructor. According to Dr. Willard Daggett the 3 r's in education are relationships, relevance and rigor. Any student who attends Riverside College can attest to all three of these in any one of their programs. The instructors and support staff work hard at creating positive relationships with the students. This is key to any student success. Once that groundwork has been laid, our instructors make the curriculum relevant to the students through different forms of instruction (including a work experience). Once students are comfortable with the instructor and curriculum, the rigor can be increased. By the end of the program, Riverside College students are some of the most sought after graduates for positions on our local communities.
Success is not measured by size. It is measured by determination, will, desire and great teaching. This is what separates Riverside College from other post-secondary institutions.